Electricity is what has made modern living possible. We have access to “smart” devices to make living our lives more convenient than ever. We can remotely adjust our HVAC systems, turn our lighting on and off, lock the doors, etc. However, the use of electricity can come with hazards, if you don’t take the proper precautions. So, what are these precautions? Read on to find out!
Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Smyrna’
How to Avoid Electrical Shock in Your Home
Monday, November 22nd, 2021The Importance of Proper Sizing with Your AC Installation
Monday, July 19th, 2021“How do I know if my air conditioner is the right size?” is the question that’s probably on your mind after reading the title of this blog post.
And the answer is a little tricky.
If you have your air conditioner installed by a team of qualified professionals who help you choose that air conditioner, and come to your home before doing so, then you don’t need to worry about it–your air conditioner will be properly sized.
Appropriate AC size is determined by a process called a cooling load calculation. This is one of the most important parts of AC installation and if not done correctly can lead to a number of problems, including premature replacement. Read on to learn more!
How to Tell When You Need Air Conditioning Repairs
Monday, May 10th, 2021As much as we’re sure you’d like it to, your air conditioner simply won’t last forever.
Think of it this way—a car with over 150,000 miles on it simply can’t drive like a brand new one—that’s just how stuff works! However, with routine air conditioning maintenance and by staying on top of your AC repair needs, you can keep your air conditioner operating well for at least 10-15 years. This sure beats being disappointed by subpar AC service, right?
Cooling system problems that go unaddressed can unfortunately build up and cause significant damage. A small refrigerant leak, for example, can eventually lead to your compressor working “too hard” to do its job, and failing as a result. And we hate to break this to you, but a failed compressor usually means a failed air conditioner altogether.
Is Your Furnace on the Struggle Bus?
Monday, January 18th, 2021Have you heard that phrase before—struggle bus? It’s a pop culture term describing when a sentient being is… well… struggling to complete a task or responsibility.
If you feel like your furnace is on the struggle bus lately, then you certainly have a problem on your hands! We always hope that your furnace is behaving itself, but if you’re reading this blog post, we going to guess it’s not right now. Keep reading as we go through a grading scale you can use to judge how your furnace is performing, and what can be done.
Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?
Monday, December 7th, 2020Earlier this fall, we talked about how holiday lights could impact your electrical system if you’re not careful. But holiday lights aren’t the only potential threat to your home’s electrical capacity. These days, homeowners are adding more and more to their homes in the name of electronics and high-efficiency appliances.
This is all great, but it does pose a bit of a conundrum. Homes only have so much electrical capacity, and overloading your system will lead to numerous problems from electrical outages and power surges to even potential electrical fires.
This doesn’t have to describe your experience though! Read on as we uncover some of the signs you can watch out for that indicates you’re in need of an electrical panel upgrade. Then, if you recognize any of these signs, give us a call right away!
Can a Dirty Air Filter Hurt Your Heater?
Monday, December 9th, 2019If you’ve followed our blog from the beginning, you’ve likely seen it in writing many times that we recommend you change your HVAC air filter every 1-3 months. We aren’t just throwing this out as a suggestion—we are offering this advice as a way for you to get the most effective and efficient use from your heater (and air conditioner) as possible.
Considering how much we’ll be using our heaters this winter, don’t you want to do everything you can to prevent emergency repair needs?
There is one way to do so—by performing one small maintenance task on your own—changing out your air filter. You might be surprised by just how important this small HVAC component is. IT’s about more than protecting your indoor air quality. In fact, that’s not even the purpose of this air filter—your furnace’s air filter is in place to protect the actual furnace itself. More on that below!
Heed These Signs Your Electrical System Is in Trouble
Monday, June 10th, 2019If there is one system we take for granted the most in our homes these days, it’s probably the electrical system. After all, we’ve had it available throughout our lives—for decades. It’s just always there and we’ve come to expect it. This is a great thing, however, it can lead homeowners to neglect the potential hazards involved with electricity, particularly if they need rewiring.
So, today we want to discuss some of the warning signs that indicate you may have an issue with your electrical wiring. Not all of these are indicative of an emergency situation, but they can certainly become an emergency if ignored for too long. Compromised wiring leads to electrocution risk as well as fire risk—both of which we’d like to help you avoid at all costs.
How You Can Benefit from a Solar Attic Fan
Monday, July 23rd, 2018When you hear the term “solar,” chances are that you envision a group of solar panels covering your roof in order to power the electrical appliances and equipment in your home. You aren’t wrong. However, that type of installation is not needed for a solar attic fan, which is a small, standalone rooftop ventilation device that is powered by the sun. Similar to other attic fans, they help cool your attic in the summer, and also help in the winter by alleviating condensation issues.
One of the most important things to remember is that as with any other important electrical addition or system, you should only rely on professional electricians in Smyrna, TN for the installation and service of that system, versus trusting the job to amateurs. There are a number of benefits to doing so, including: