Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Nashville’

Sounds You Should Never Hear from Your Air Conditioner

Monday, September 18th, 2017

outside unit of an air conditioner next to brick house with cats in backgroundYou’re probably pretty familiar with your own home, right? You know what it looks like, smells like, and sounds like—from the hum of your refrigerator to the “whooshing” of water through your dishwasher. One other important piece of equipment that you hear operate is your air conditioner. When strange or unfamiliar sounds come from this important appliance, it’s vital that you not ignore them.

Some odd noises simply mean that you need a small adjustment, while others are indicative of something much more serious. Whatever the unfamiliar noise is, it’s important that you have it addressed quickly and schedule Nashville, TN AC repair with a professional ASAP. Keep reading to learn about the sounds you should never hear coming from your AC system.

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Help! My Cooling System Won’t Cool

Monday, September 4th, 2017

side view of two outdoor ac units with sun shining on themWith temperatures traditionally still in the 80s well through September, we have plenty of time to keep on using our air conditioners. But, what if yours isn’t doing its job as efficiently or as effectively as it should?

Summer time is without a doubt the worst time for your air conditioner to accumulate problems. Unfortunately though, it’s usually the most common time for these problems to come up, and for you to need Nashville, TN AC repair services. A drop in cooling output is a leading sign that something is wrong with your air conditioning system. If you notice this problem, be sure to reach out to us—and in the meantime, keep reading for some reasons this might be happening.

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Do Heat Pumps Really Make Effective Air Conditioners?

Monday, August 7th, 2017

icon of half of a sun and half of a snowflake in yellow and blueWe get it—hearing the term “heat pump” if you’ve never known what it was probably doesn’t elicit thoughts of cooling comfort within your home. But a heat pump is actually a heating and a cooling system in one, and an effective system at that! Homeowners might assume that this means the system is a combo of a furnace and forced air cooling system in a single cabinet, but this is not how its set up—a heat pump uses the same components for both efficient heating and air conditioning.

Keep reading to learn more about these systems, to see if the installation of one is right for you, or to set up AC services in Nashville, TN.

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Signs That You Need Prompt Electrical Services

Monday, May 29th, 2017

signs-prompt-electrical-servicesThere are a number of safety issues to be aware of when it comes to caring for your home, one of the most important being to stay on top of any electrical issues that might be occurring. While something like a plumbing problem can cause property damage, and an AC malfunction can cause discomfort, an electrical issue can cause electrocution and even house fires. Therefore, it’s essential that if something is wrong, you have a professional electrician check it out to avoid any potential future hazards.

Even with regular electrical maintenance, there’s always a chance that an electrical problem can happen in your home. You may already be familiar with some of the telltale signs of an electrical problem, but keep reading below to see if there’s anything you might have missed.

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