Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Nashville’

Have You Considered a Heat Pump Installation?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

white question mark on blue backgroundSpring is almost here! That means it’s almost time to turn on your air conditioner and you don’t have to worry about a failing furnace, right?

Wait, hang on.

If your aging furnace is showing signs that it may fail soon, the last thing you want to do is wait on replacing it. After all, do you really want to get to next fall without investing in a new system only to find out on the first day you need it, it’s not working at all? Aside from the inconvenience of not having a functioning heater on the first day you need it, it will also be a mad scramble to try to get a technician who’s not busy to come in and repair or replace the system.

And what if you also have a struggling air conditioner? Are you really willing to let both your HVAC systems suffer for another year?

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Now Is a Good Time to Test Your CO and Smoke Detectors!

Monday, October 1st, 2018

smoke-detectorOf course, there’s never a bad time to test your carbon monoxide or smoke detectors. But as we edge closer to cooler temperatures, it is especially important to mention this, since soon enough you’ll be using your heating system on a regular basis. While heaters are not always the cause of house fires or CO exposure risk, they certainly can cause a home hazard if not properly maintained.

For instance, if an older furnace doesn’t receive routine maintenance, it may develop a cracked heat exchanger, which will allow harmful CO gas to escape into your living space where it can make you extremely ill, or worse. Heating maintenance is vital, and to supplement that we advise that you make sure your CO and smoke detectors are in good condition as well. If you need new detectors or have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact one of the professional electricians in Nashville, TN, on our team!

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Need Electrical Service? Only Trust a Trained Pro

Monday, August 20th, 2018

American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nutsWhen it comes to having electrical work done in your home, you probably know already that there are safety risks involved. But still, it seems more convenient and less costly to try to complete electrical installations and wiring jobs on your own, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, in most cases, you’ll be sacrificing your time and effort in doing so, as well as potentially your safety.

Professional installation is a good way to ensure that the installation job is done correctly, and that the risk of emergency repair needs down the road (not to mention the risk of electrocution or fire) is reduced. That all being said, instead of telling you that you should only trust a professional Nashville TN electrician, we’d like to share with you what can go wrong if you don’t.

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AC Installation: Is Bigger Better?

Monday, August 6th, 2018

top-view-of-an-outside-ac-unitOne of the most common misconceptions we encounter in the HVAC world from our customers is that “the bigger the air conditioner you get for your home, the better.” This actually isn’t true at all, and it leads homeowners to getting an AC system that costs too much and doesn’t do an efficient job of cooling the home.

This is one of the various reasons you need to hire pros like us to handle your AC installation in Nashville, TN. We’ll ensure you get an installation that is correctly matched to your home, to provide the cooling that your home needs for true comfort in our blazing hot summers. Without the right tonnage, you can’t count on your air conditioner functioning as it should.

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AC Trouble: Should You Repair or Replace?

Monday, June 11th, 2018

technician working on the outside unit of an air conditionerThere’s not an appliance out there that lasts forever—which probably goes without saying. No matter how well it’s designed or cared for, your household air conditioner has a limited lifespan. When it nears the end of that lifespan, it’s a good idea to have the system replaced before it experiences a catastrophic breakdown.

The last thing you want is to end up stuck inside on a hot day (since that’s the most likely time for system stress to cause a failure) with no relief in sight as you rush to schedule an AC replacement (and coincidentally risk not selecting the right system for your home). Additionally, an aging air conditioner will end up wasting money through inefficient operation since not even the most careful maintenance schedule or AC repair in Nashville, TN can maintain its efficiency once it reaches a certain age.

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Why Dry Air Is Sometimes Underrated

Monday, May 28th, 2018

Woman feeling hot and trying to refresh in summertime heatTemperatures have begun to warm up in our parts, with summer just around the corner. For the past few months, we’ve been battling chilly temperatures and subsequent dry air that makes the air seem even colder than it is. Perhaps your home is equipped with a humidifier for those drier months. But did you know that drier air can be a good thing during this time of the year?

Yes, there is absolutely such thing as too much humidity in the home. In fact, your humidity levels should be between 30%-50% and anything above that 50% means that there is too much ambient moisture in the air. To improve your indoor air quality in Nashville, TN, live healthier, and help your AC last longer, you should consider the installation of a whole-house dehumidifier.

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No, Your HVAC System Shouldn’t Be Making That Noise

Monday, May 14th, 2018

woman covering her earsWith summer just around the corner, you will soon be using your air conditioner on a daily basis to keep comfortable. And as you start to use that system more often, it’s important that you be aware of any indications that the system isn’t functioning as it should. The added stress of summertime is typically a trigger for all types of AC system issues, either creating new problems or exacerbating existing ones.

But the faster you notice signs of a problem with your cooling system, the faster you can have them repaired, and the more damage you can potentially avoid. Bearing that in mind, we’ll go over one of the most frequent signs that something is amiss with your Nashville, TN HVAC system: strange and/or unfamiliar noises. Keep reading for examples of troubling sounds you might hear.

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The Importance of Electrical Maintenance in Keeping Your Family Safe

Monday, April 30th, 2018

American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nutsWhen was the last time you had an electrical inspection done? If you said “never” or “I’m not sure” then you might have a problem—especially if your home was built decades ago. Today, homeowners are increasing the demand on their electrical systems more and more, with the addition of high efficiency appliances and equipment, as well as mobile devices that require charging, and intricate home theater systems.

The problem is, your wiring and electrical panel might be outdated, and therefore incapable of handling this demand. This not only threatens your electrical system, but your home and your family. To schedule your next inspection from professional electricians in Nashville, TN, simply contact our team. In the meantime, we’ve shared some signs below that you should watch out for. These signs indicate that something is amiss with your electrical system and you should call us for repairs right away.

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Have You Schedule AC Maintenance Yet?

Monday, April 16th, 2018

technician working on ac unitWe are officially in spring, and with warmer temperatures already upon us, Nashville residents are reminded of just how hot and humid it gets around our parts. We also know that summer weather will hit in just a couple months, and will hit hard, putting our air conditioning systems under immense amounts of stress.

If you want to avoid this air conditioning repair in Nashville, TN year, then the time to schedule maintenance—if you haven’t already—is now! Maintenance involves a thorough system inspection, comprehensive cleaning, and the adjustment of any components that need it. Plus we’ll alert you to any small repair needs so you can schedule those right away.

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Surge Protection Is Not Just Storm Protection!

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

Closeup of a power bar with cords in it on a wood floor.“I’ve never had a problem with my electrical system during a storm, so I don’t need surge protection.” If you’ve ever had this thought, we encourage you to reconsider. Surge protection protects your electronics and electrical appliances from power surges—which yes, are sometimes created by storm-like weather, but that is not always the case. In fact, it’s rarely the case.

In recent decades, homeowners like yourself have become increasingly reliant on electronic devices and high-efficiency appliances. With the increase in electronics but ill-equipped electrical systems, power surges are pretty common—and these surges will slowly damage anything plugged into your electrical grid.

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