Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Nashville’

Going Ductless: Is This Right for Your Home?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

ductless-air-handlerWith the official start of summer upon us, it’s time for homeowners to ask themselves if their air conditioners are up to the task of keeping them cool and comfortable throughout the coming months, at a relatively low cost. If not, and if your air conditioner has reached 10-15 years of age, then it may very well be time to replace the system. The question is now, should you replace your conventional central air conditioner with a ductless system?

If so, you’ve definitely come to the right team! But what if you’re still unsure? After all, a ductless air conditioning system (and heating system) is a great, efficient choice for many homes, but it’s not the best choice for all homes. Read on to learn if its right for yours.

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What You Should Know about Air Conditioner Capacitors

Monday, May 24th, 2021

The one thing you should know about your air conditioner is that it takes a lot of different components working together for the system to function as efficiently and effectively as it’s meant to, and to perform at all. It’s a complex electronic appliance with many wires, switches, motors, and capacitors. When something goes amiss with this system, it’s always solvable—but you need to call on an experienced pro for the job.

If your air conditioner isn’t working, even if you’re sure you know why, it’s time to give us a call. In the meantime, read on to learn about how your AC problems could be connected to one AC component in particular—a capacitor.

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Tankless Water Heater Maintenance: Is It Necessary?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

technician-hands-working-on-tankless-water-heaterWhen customers ask if we recommend maintenance for tankless water heaters, our answer is “yes.” Allow us to elaborate…

Tankless systems are clearly smaller than their tank water heater counterparts. They have fewer moving parts, and as a result, might seem like they need less care. While they may not need maintenance as often as a tank system, they still need this routine service. Here’s why:

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What Are My Water Heater Options?

Monday, February 1st, 2021

technicians-hands-repairing-tankless-water-heaterIf there is any appliance in the average American home that could be considered the “unsung hero” of the household, it’s the water heater. Think about it—you use yours every day, but do you really think about it much? You likely don’t, until something goes wrong. And when something does go wrong, you probably rush to find a solution, even if it’s not the best solution.

Oftentimes, water heater problems can be remedied with professional repair, but if your water heater is nearing a couple decades old, it may be time to replace. When that time comes, you have options! You don’t have to stick with the same size storage tank, nor do you have to stick with a storage tank type water heater at all. More and more homeowners are going tankless these days.

Is it really the superior choice, though? Well, it depends. Read on as we uncover the pros and cons of each type of water heater.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Heater Repairs This Holiday Season!

Monday, December 21st, 2020

heater-jetsWhen you compare our climate to that of other parts of the country, you can’t really call our winters “harsh.” But just because we don’t have bone-chillingly cold winters—and even that is debatable, depending on who you ask—doesn’t mean our winters aren’t cold enough to need a fully functional and efficiently operating heater on our side. Could you imagine on the coldest evening, going to turn on your heater to discover it doesn’t work?

We would like to help you avoid that altogether! Of course, the best way to avoid it is with routine maintenance. Maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust your heater’s components while also alerting you to repair needs. Even with maintenance though, it’s important to note that at some point you will need repairs. Taking care of them as soon as possible is the best gift you can give yourself over the holiday season. But how do you know if you need them? Read on for some tell-tale signs.

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4 Reasons You Should Invest in a Whole-Home Generator

Monday, October 12th, 2020

technicians-installing-whole-house-generatorLet’s start by making one thing clear–there is nothing wrong with a portable generator. In fact, portable generators are the perfect solution in many situations. For instance, if you’re going on a campout and want to power up an electric grill–or you’re glamping and want to watch TV (hey, we aren’t here to judge!)

But the thing about a portable system is that why it’s great in many scenarios, the one situation where it’s not the right choice is if you want to power your entire home during a widespread power outage. In this case, you’ll need a whole-home automatic standby generator. 

This system allows you to power up all the important components of your household, from your water heater and refrigerator to your HVAC systems and even your electronic devices and medical equipment if needed. Read on as we uncover 4 main benefits of investing in a whole-home generator.

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3 Steps to Shutting Down an AC for the Fall

Monday, September 28th, 2020

2-outdoor-ac-unitsFall can be a bit deceiving around here. Sure, temperatures are cooling down, but we all know that a heatwave can hit at pretty much any time. Still though, once we get a few weeks further into the season, it’ll be just about time to turn our attention to our heaters.

And it is important to care for your heater. In fact, now is the perfect time to schedule maintenance for this system. Maintenance will ensure that it is able to perform efficiently and as effectively as possible this fall and winter.

But there is something else you need to think about during this seasonal transition in regards to your air conditioner. You can’t just turn off your air conditioner and leave it–you risk it suffering damage over the winter that can jeopardize its functionality when you need it again next spring. Read on as we uncover 3 tips on how to “winterize” your air conditioner once temperatures drop enough.

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5 HVAC Tips for Pet Owners

Monday, August 31st, 2020

What is an HVAC tip for a pet owner? Well, pets are uniquely disadvantaged when it comes to dealing with the heat that summer and early fall temperatures bring us. Those scorching hot days can be especially devastating to pets with a thick layer of fur. That’s why it’s so important to invest some time and money in making sure your HVAC system is up to snuff.

Not only is the condition of your HVAC system important, but there are also various other ways you could contribute to cooling your home down and keeping your pets happy. So, let’s get into some of the best ways you can make sure your home stays comfortable for your pets. Remember, our pros can help with air conditioning service in Nashville, TN in case your home needs help!

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AC Installation: Is Bigger Better?

Monday, July 20th, 2020

technciian-talking-about-air-conditioner-with-homeownersSummer is progressing right along, and with it so are warmer temperatures. Is your air conditioner up to the task? If you’re considering a new system this time of the year, chances are it’s a decision you’re a bit rushed on. We urge you however, to not make this decision in haste. Choosing a new air conditioner too quickly could leave you with an ineffective and inefficient air conditioner.

For example, the first instinct of many homeowners is to buy the largest, most powerful AC system on the market, especially if they’ve spent previous summers with an AC that didn’t seem powerful enough. But the fact of the matter is, bigger is not always better. When it comes to your cooling system, size and power do matter, but perhaps not the way you thing. Read on as we explain!

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Don’t Let This One Thing Ruin Your HVAC Efficiency

Monday, April 27th, 2020

closeup-of-dust-on-air-filterWhat is this one thing, you ask? A dirty air filter!

Are you surprised by our answer? If you’re like most homeowners, you might think the only reason you should care about your HVAC system’s air filter is due to the allergens and particles in your air. But you’re only partially correct.

It’s often assumed that a dirty air filter is a problem because it keeps the air dirty, and this is why HVAC technicians tell you to change yours every 1-3 months. If you aren’t suffering from allergies, you may think your air filter is doing just fine.

But here’s the thing—helping your indoor air quality is only a very small fraction of what this air filter does. The true purpose of your standard air filter is to protect the interior components of your HVAC system. Read on to learn more about this, and to discover just how a dirty air filter can impact your HVAC efficiency and quality of life.

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