Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hendersonville’

4 Late Season Repair Needs to Expect if You Skipped Maintenance

Monday, September 14th, 2020

ac-vent-low-on-wallSummer may officially be over in a couple of short weeks, however, we can absolutely still expect some warm temperatures moving into fall. This means your air conditioner isn’t done working hard to keep you cool. And this is the time of year when accumulated stress really takes its toll on air conditioner–especially if AC maintenance was skipped.

We can’t understate the importance of maintenance. It allows our technicians to thoroughly and comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust your system to ensure optimal performance. Without maintenance, you can run into a number of performance issues, including some common repair needs that tend to impact ill-maintained or aging systems.

What are these repair needs? Read on as we uncover 4 of the most common.

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Is the Common HVAC Filter Enough for Air Purification?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

dirty-air-filter When you hear the term “air quality” do you think about the air outside or inside? Chances are, you don’t think too much about your indoor air quality because you assume that your HVAC system’s air filter takes care of it. But this isn’t true.

Rather, it is in place to protect the HVAC systems themselves from dust, dirt, and other debris infiltrating its internal components. While it certainly doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, it’s not enough to resolve any issues your home might have. For that, you’ll want to consider a whole-house air purification system.

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Is Your Home in Need of Electrical Rewiring?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

electrical-partsOf all the issues that can impact various areas of your home, electrical problems can be the most dangerous. A plumbing problem can inflict a lot of water damage, but an electrical problem can potentially cause house fires or electrocution. It’s essential that you have a professional electrician check the wiring in your home at least once every few years. Otherwise, you’re substantially increasing the likelihood that a problem will occur.

Even with routine maintenance appointments, there’s still a chance that an electrical problem can happen in your home. You should be familiar with some of the telltale signs of an electrical problem, so that you can contact an electrician as soon as possible. We’ve named some of these signs below.

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Power Surge Protection: Do You Know Your Risks?

Monday, May 11th, 2020

power-stripIf your home is anything like the average American home, you have a lot more electrical equipment and appliances in it than ever before. You probably have multiple devices connected to your power supply and electrical grid at any given time, right? That’s great, but it’s important to know the best way to protect your appliances and power charging stations.

Power surges, also known as voltage surges or voltage spikes, can do irreversible damage to electrical components, causing you to replace them much sooner than you would have had to otherwise. Think you can avoid this because you have power strips located at all your outlets? These do offer a layer of protection, but they’re not the end-all solution—more on that below. The good news is, there is more you could do to protect your home’s electrical system and the appliances connected to it.

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What You May Not Know about Outlet Installations: AFCI vs. GFCI

Monday, April 13th, 2020

new-gfci-outlet-imposed-on-white-backgroundYour household’s electrical grid is easily one of the most important components in the living space. Each of your appliances requires this system to work—even gas-powered heaters use an electric starter. If your electrical system is malfunctioning, you can experience all kinds of problems.

Safety is a concern, too, when your electrical system is malfunctioning. Electrical problems of any type can pose a serious threat to your living space, and to your family. Electrocution is a real threat, which brings us to our topic for this post—making sure you have the right outlets in place to protect your appliances, electrical equipment, and your home’s occupants.

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How to NOT Use Your Ceiling Fans

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

ceiling-fanCeiling fans don’t seem like that complicated of an appliance right? When you want your home to be cool, you turn your ceiling fans on, and that’s that, right?

Well, what many homeowners don’t realize about ceiling fans is that they actually do not “cool” the air in the room of which they’re running—that is, they do nothing to lower the temperature. Therefore, leaving your ceiling fans on in the home all day even if you aren’t home is exactly how not to use them.

So then, you might be wondering now, is there any point to using ceiling fans at all? Of course! However, there are optimal ways to utilize this appliance, and then wasteful ways to use it, too.

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Does Your Home Need to Be Rewired?

Monday, January 6th, 2020

pencil-drawing-lightbulbElectricity is one of those home comforts that is pretty easy for any of us to take for granted nowadays. After all, we’ve had it available to us in our households throughout our entire lives—it’s always there! But… taking things for granted often means we can forget about the dangers involved if we don’t properly care for them. And electricity can certainly pose such a danger.

Keep reading as we dive into some of the warning signs that you might notice if your electrical wiring is in trouble. These warning signs are not all indicative of an emergency situation by any means, but any resolutions with any type of electrical system problem should always be addressed swiftly.

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Signs You’re in Need of Heating Repairs

Monday, November 25th, 2019

furnace-jetsFall is trekking right along and the official start of winter is less than a month away. Chances are, you’ve begun running your heater on a daily basis already… and more cold weather is on its way. This means if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to check your heating system for any signs of trouble. Problems from last year won’t have gone away this year without professional care—and this can be compounded by lack of use over the months. Running your system on a regular basis when it’s not performing at its best will only end in frustration—and probably a broken down heater.

There’s good news, though! There are some common signs you can watch out for that indicate your heater is running into issues, and if you know what to look for, you can usually spot these issues fairly easily. Remember though, you shouldn’t attempt a formal diagnosis or any type of repair on your own. Heating systems involve a number of components that could become dangerous in the wrong hands—like natural gas. If you notice your heating system isn’t performing the way it should, the best thing you can do is call a pro. In the meantime, watch and listen for the following signs that indicate a heating system problem.

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If You’re Putting Holiday Lights Up This Season, Consider This!

Monday, November 11th, 2019

string-of-lights-outdoorsThe holiday season is just about here, and if you’re like many homeowners in our area, you might be decorating your household, inside and out. Many times, this includes putting holiday lights up and around your home.

One of the most common calls our electricians get this time of the year is in regards to certain outlets not working throughout the property. This might include bathroom outlets, garage outlets, and outdoor outlets. And those holiday lights might be to blame! What happens is that they trip the GFCI outlet or circuit breaker.

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Caring for Your Heater This Late in the Season

Monday, March 4th, 2019

technician-working-on-heaterTemperatures are growing warmer, and soon enough it will be the official start of spring. You may still be using your heating system on a regular basis right now, and if so we hope it’s performing as efficiently and effectively as it should. If you had maintenance done this past fall, and took care of any recommended repairs, then you likely have nothing to worry about.

If you skipped maintenance, however, or if you suspect you have repair needs but haven’t taken care of them yet, you may end up with a problem. Either before the heating season ends this year, or next fall, you could be facing a broken down heater when you need it. But how do you know if this is the case? Read on to learn some of the symptoms you should watch out for that indicate problem with your heater, and be sure to give us a call for quality repairs.

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