Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Brentwood’

What Is Geothermal Heating & Cooling?

Monday, January 27th, 2025

In ancient times, people kept warm with fires and stayed cool by avoiding the sun in deep places like caves or by catching a breeze near the water. More recently, we’ve used furnaces and air conditioners, because staying at a safe and comfortable temperature is still critical to human wellbeing. But now there are all kinds of options! Heat pumps? Ductless mini splits? What’s going on?

Geothermal heating and cooling systems might seem like science fiction. How do geothermal heating and cooling systems work, and could they be the right choice for you? What are the benefits and drawbacks? Let’s take a closer look.

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Save Money! Heat More Efficiently This Winter

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Did you know that the single largest chunk of home energy use is put toward climate control? Heating and cooling your home uses a lot of energy, which means that when the bills come due, it costs a lot of money. But it’s not as though you can simply decide not to heat your home this winter! So what can you do?

We’ve got some helpful tips for you. Check out these ways to keep your home heating as efficient as possible. You’ll save money in more ways than you might expect!

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Is It Time to Replace My Furnace?

Monday, November 4th, 2024

The temperatures are dropping. The cool breezes are picking up. Yes, autumn in Tennessee is spectacular. It might just be the perfect time of year! But sooner or later, the temperatures will drop even more, the breezes will go from cool to freezing, and you’ll need to know that you can rely on your heating system. Well, can you? Or might it be on its last legs?

A furnace can last for many years, especially if it receives maintenance every single year. Sadly, though, nothing lasts forever. One day, the time will come when a furnace is ready to retire, and you’ll have to get a new one. Has that day arrived? We’ll help you figure that out.

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Signs Your Ductwork Needs to Be Replaced

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Ahh, ductwork, the unsung hero of the HVAC system! It does an incredible job, all year round, of carrying heated and cooled air throughout your house. It lurks within your walls or up in your attic, unseen and rarely remembered. But it is so important! We’d like to urge you to think about it now, and consider how it is doing.

But perhaps it’s hard to tell what sort of condition your ductwork is in. After all, you can’t see it. You certainly can’t see inside of it. So you have to be a ductwork detective. We’ll tell you the signs to watch for, so you can determine if your ductwork needs to be checked on by a professional and possibly replaced.

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Is There Mold in Your Ducts?

Monday, August 12th, 2024

Air ducts, connecting your AC and furnace to the vents throughout your home, are out of sight and often out of mind. There they sit, behind your walls or in your attic or crawl space, forgotten. How long have they been in place? And, since you can’t see inside them, what could have gotten in there? Unfortunately, there could be an unpleasant answer.

Dark and out-of-the-way places are inviting to small things like bugs and mice. Snakes have even been known to slither into them during the winter to keep warm! You might be able to hear pests as they move, but one thing you definitely won’t hear is mold. How can you tell if mold is growing in your ducts? Is it a serious problem if it’s there? And how can you eliminate it? We’ve got answers for you.

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Keep Your Whole House Generator Ready for Action

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Having a whole-house generator is such a good call, especially considering all the things that can take out power for hours or even days at a time. Did you know that 40% of the tornadoes that occur in Tennessee touch down in the greater Nashville area? It’s very sensible of you to make plans to be prepared, should anything cause a power outage to your home.

But are you really prepared? Are you certain that your generator will work, with no problems, if it is needed? There’s only way to be sure that your whole house generator is ready for action: regular maintenance. Here’s why.

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Tips for Switching from Heating to Cooling

Monday, May 6th, 2024

It’s that time of year: you don’t need your heat anymore, and you’ll be needing your AC very soon. Don’t get too busy enjoying the gorgeous Tennessee springtime. There are things you should be doing! Here’s our checklist of tips on how to make a smooth transition from heating season to cooling season with your HVAC system.

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Troubleshooting Your Malfunctioning Furnace

Monday, March 25th, 2024

It might not be winter anymore, but there are still some chilly spring nights yet to come before we’re able to shut down our furnaces completely for the season. If you’re having heating trouble, you will need to get it sorted out or you’ll be in for some chilly discomfort! But wouldn’t it be nice if you could sort out the problem yourself without needing to get repairs done?

For your safety and the wellbeing of your furnace, actual heating repairs must be done by a qualified professional. But before you decide you require the services of a heating technician, there are some things you should investigate on your own. Follow this handy furnace troubleshooting checklist, and you might be able to resolve your own heating malfunction without any assistance.

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A Tankless Water Heater for Valentine’s Day

Monday, February 12th, 2024

What should you get your beloved for Valentine’s Day? Roses and chocolates? Too boring and ordinary. A restaurant dinner or a romantic weekend getaway? Over too soon. What will make your beloved’s life better, last a long time, and really be worth the investment? How about a tankless water heater for Valentine’s Day?

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AFUE Ratings for Furnaces: What Do They Mean?

Monday, December 18th, 2023
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When shopping for a new furnace, there are a lot of things to consider. Many homeowners understandably focus on the upfront cost of purchasing a furnace and its installation cost. 

It’s easy to let this initial cost be the only thing you take into consideration when for many homeowners, a new furnace is a huge expense. The natural inclination will be to want to spend as little money as possible. 

But doing so could potentially cost you more money in utilities for the 10-15 years that you own it. Let’s look at some other factors to consider besides the purchase price when it’s time for furnace installation in Brentwood, TN.

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