HVAC Problems: Is It Your AC or Your Ducts?

September 9th, 2024

If something is odd or going wrong when you’re running your air conditioner, it could indeed be that you need air conditioner repair. On the other hand, your air conditioner might be just fine. It’s possible that the problem is located in your ductwork instead! So what kind of repairs do you need? How can you tell? Might you be able to resolve a simple problem yourself? Perhaps!

It’s always a good idea to think things through and check on a couple of possible issues before you decide you need professional HVAC repairs. We’ll give you a quick checklist that can help you eliminate minor problems and give you a better idea of whether it’s your AC or your ducts causing your issue.

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How High-Efficiency Air Conditioners Save Energy

August 26th, 2024

The constant march of progress is always moving things forward, and one of the ways things are changing the most in recent years has to do with efficiency. Americans put the largest share of home energy use toward heating and cooling, and it costs a bundle! Anything you can do to use less energy will cut your utility bills, and AC manufacturers have been working to help you there.

New air conditioners are being made which are able to work at least as well as the older models did, but without using nearly as much energy. Miraculous! What’s different about the new high-efficiency air conditioners that allows them to work so well and save so much energy? Here are the details.

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Is There Mold in Your Ducts?

August 12th, 2024

Air ducts, connecting your AC and furnace to the vents throughout your home, are out of sight and often out of mind. There they sit, behind your walls or in your attic or crawl space, forgotten. How long have they been in place? And, since you can’t see inside them, what could have gotten in there? Unfortunately, there could be an unpleasant answer.

Dark and out-of-the-way places are inviting to small things like bugs and mice. Snakes have even been known to slither into them during the winter to keep warm! You might be able to hear pests as they move, but one thing you definitely won’t hear is mold. How can you tell if mold is growing in your ducts? Is it a serious problem if it’s there? And how can you eliminate it? We’ve got answers for you.

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Signs Your Electrical Panel Needs Repair or Replacement

July 15th, 2024

If you’ve ever experienced a power outage (and you almost certainly have) you know exactly how life comes to a screeching halt without electricity. It’s the way we keep everything running, the way we stay connected to others and the world, and even the way we stay safe, with things like carbon monoxide detectors and home security systems. 

Despite how critical electricity is to our lives, we don’t always pay much attention to how it gets to our various appliances and electronics. But we should! Your electrical panel keeps things flowing safely and effectively, so everything that needs power gets what it requires. How long has your electrical panel been doing this job? Is it having problems? Would you even have noticed? What should you do about it? We’ve got the answers.

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The Sounds and Smells of an Air Conditioner in Need of Service

July 1st, 2024

Prompt repair is the way to keep AC problems from getting worse, and to prevent a total breakdown. You certainly don’t want that to happen in Tennessee in July! So how can you watch out for AC issues and catch them right away? Well, the key is not to watch. Use your ears and your nose. Air conditioners in need of service often make strange noises and bad smells. Here are the details.

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Keep Your Whole House Generator Ready for Action

June 17th, 2024

Having a whole-house generator is such a good call, especially considering all the things that can take out power for hours or even days at a time. Did you know that 40% of the tornadoes that occur in Tennessee touch down in the greater Nashville area? It’s very sensible of you to make plans to be prepared, should anything cause a power outage to your home.

But are you really prepared? Are you certain that your generator will work, with no problems, if it is needed? There’s only way to be sure that your whole house generator is ready for action: regular maintenance. Here’s why.

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Don’t Forget AC Maintenance Before the Heat Hits

June 3rd, 2024

There’s no doubt that, in our climate, you want your air conditioner to be ready for summer. In particular, July’s average daily high temperature is 90 degrees. If that heat hits, and your air conditioner is unreliable or ineffective, you’ll be desperate to get it fixed. Avoid all that by scheduling AC maintenance now. 

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Exposed Wires? Here’s What to Do

May 20th, 2024

Electrical problems are not something to ignore or postpone dealing with. The potential consequences of a serious electrical issue are simply too severe to risk. One of the problems that poses a particularly serious electrical hazard is exposed wires. Is this an issue in your home? How can you tell? What should you do?

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Tips for Switching from Heating to Cooling

May 6th, 2024

It’s that time of year: you don’t need your heat anymore, and you’ll be needing your AC very soon. Don’t get too busy enjoying the gorgeous Tennessee springtime. There are things you should be doing! Here’s our checklist of tips on how to make a smooth transition from heating season to cooling season with your HVAC system.

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It’s Time to Address the Elephant in Your Ducts

April 22nd, 2024

Perhaps you only pay attention to the air that is currently in the rooms of your home. Do you ever think about where it comes from? Before it exits your vents, it’s been flowing through your ductwork. And whatever is lurking within that ductwork, the air brings a bit of it along for the ride. Now it’s floating around your home!

Is this something you should avoid thinking about or discussing? No! Don’t let it be an elephant in the room. If something unpleasant lurks in your ducts and contaminates your air, it’s time for duct cleaning. How can you tell if it’s necessary? Here are the signs.

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