4 Signs You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

March 16th, 2020

electricians-working-on-electrical-panelAlso called the circuit breaker panel, the electrical panel of your home serves as the central hub for your entire electrical system. It’s where the incoming electricity is routed to the different circuits. The breakers are designed to shut off circuits in case of a voltage overload. If you have an aging circuit breaker panel, it’s wise to ensure you aren’t overdue for an upgrade, given the higher electrical demands we have all put on our homes in recent years.

But when is it actually time to upgrade? After all, modern circuit breakers can last a really long time—typically 25-40 years. We have provided 4 signs below that tell you it may be time.

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How to NOT Use Your Ceiling Fans

March 2nd, 2020

ceiling-fanCeiling fans don’t seem like that complicated of an appliance right? When you want your home to be cool, you turn your ceiling fans on, and that’s that, right?

Well, what many homeowners don’t realize about ceiling fans is that they actually do not “cool” the air in the room of which they’re running—that is, they do nothing to lower the temperature. Therefore, leaving your ceiling fans on in the home all day even if you aren’t home is exactly how not to use them.

So then, you might be wondering now, is there any point to using ceiling fans at all? Of course! However, there are optimal ways to utilize this appliance, and then wasteful ways to use it, too.

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Best Ways to Boost Heating Efficiency

February 17th, 2020

technician-working-on-maintaining-furnaceWith how much we use our heating systems during the winter, it’s no secret that homeowners would like to do everything they can to avoid costly utility bills. Sure, your energy bills are going to raise in the wintertime (as well as the summer time) as your HVAC systems take up about half of all your energy use. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to increase their efficiency and thereby lower the costs a bit.

There are actually a number of things you can do, some of which won’t cost you a dime. Maintaining heating efficiency is also a great way to keep repair needs at bay. Keep reading as we uncover some of the best tips and tricks to boost efficiency and save money!

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Choosing the Right Contractor for HVAC Repairs

February 3rd, 2020

two-technicians-working-on-hvac-systemIt’s the time of year where older heating systems start to struggle—after all they’ve been working hard all season. If yours wasn’t properly maintained, or even simply if it’s aged to the point that it’s having trouble keeping up with demand, it might be time for you to call for repairs.

But who should you call? Perhaps that handyman who lives down the street? Or maybe you can watch an online video and conduct HVAC repairs on your own!

We really don’t recommend either of these options. Not only could you wind up doing more harm than good to the system itself, but you could injure yourself or put your household in danger. We understand the urgency that comes with needing heating repairs in the middle of winter, but you’d do well to do your research and choose the right contractor for your HVAC repairs. What should you look for? Read on!

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Avoid This Ceiling Fan Mistake!

January 20th, 2020

ceiling-fan-on-grey-ceilingCeiling fans are often talked about this time of year—and we’ll get to why we’re talking about them now later in this post—but something that a lot of homeowners don’t really realize is that celing fans do not actually cool the air in the room where they’re running.

In the summertime, individuals often leave their ceiling fans on all day, only to find that the room they come home to isn’t any cooler than it was when they left. It may feel less stuffy than other parts of the home, but this feeling can be achieved within 5 minutes of turning on the fan, versus leaving it on all day long.

You may be wondering about a couple things by this point:

  1. Is there a point to using your ceiling fans?
  2. Really, why are we talking about this in the wintertime?

Bear with us! We’ll get there.

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Does Your Home Need to Be Rewired?

January 6th, 2020

pencil-drawing-lightbulbElectricity is one of those home comforts that is pretty easy for any of us to take for granted nowadays. After all, we’ve had it available to us in our households throughout our entire lives—it’s always there! But… taking things for granted often means we can forget about the dangers involved if we don’t properly care for them. And electricity can certainly pose such a danger.

Keep reading as we dive into some of the warning signs that you might notice if your electrical wiring is in trouble. These warning signs are not all indicative of an emergency situation by any means, but any resolutions with any type of electrical system problem should always be addressed swiftly.

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The Problem with a Cracked Heat Exchanger

December 23rd, 2019

natural-gas-jets-of-furnaceWintertime is the time of year when our heating systems are truly put to the test. Because of the strain they go through this time of year versus in milder weather, it tends to be when problems arise. Since you need your system to function at its best this time of year, this is obviously not ideal. It pays to ensure you schedule routine maintenance each year, and to keep a watch for signs of trouble with your heater.

There are few furnace problems more insidious than that of a cracked heat exchanger. If your furnace shows signs of this problem, it’s likely that it needs to be replaced altogether, as this tends to only happen in older furnaces. Repairs are often not worth the cost even if they’re possible. So, what is a heat exchanger and why is it such a problem if it cracks? Read on to find out!

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Can a Dirty Air Filter Hurt Your Heater?

December 9th, 2019

man-holding-air-filterIf you’ve followed our blog from the beginning, you’ve likely seen it in writing many times that we recommend you change your HVAC air filter every 1-3 months. We aren’t just throwing this out as a suggestion—we are offering this advice as a way for you to get the most effective and efficient use from your heater (and air conditioner) as possible.

Considering how much we’ll be using our heaters this winter, don’t you want to do everything you can to prevent emergency repair needs?

There is one way to do so—by performing one small maintenance task on your own—changing out your air filter. You might be surprised by just how important this small HVAC component is. IT’s about more than protecting your indoor air quality. In fact, that’s not even the purpose of this air filter—your furnace’s air filter is in place to protect the actual furnace itself. More on that below!

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Signs You’re in Need of Heating Repairs

November 25th, 2019

furnace-jetsFall is trekking right along and the official start of winter is less than a month away. Chances are, you’ve begun running your heater on a daily basis already… and more cold weather is on its way. This means if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to check your heating system for any signs of trouble. Problems from last year won’t have gone away this year without professional care—and this can be compounded by lack of use over the months. Running your system on a regular basis when it’s not performing at its best will only end in frustration—and probably a broken down heater.

There’s good news, though! There are some common signs you can watch out for that indicate your heater is running into issues, and if you know what to look for, you can usually spot these issues fairly easily. Remember though, you shouldn’t attempt a formal diagnosis or any type of repair on your own. Heating systems involve a number of components that could become dangerous in the wrong hands—like natural gas. If you notice your heating system isn’t performing the way it should, the best thing you can do is call a pro. In the meantime, watch and listen for the following signs that indicate a heating system problem.

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If You’re Putting Holiday Lights Up This Season, Consider This!

November 11th, 2019

string-of-lights-outdoorsThe holiday season is just about here, and if you’re like many homeowners in our area, you might be decorating your household, inside and out. Many times, this includes putting holiday lights up and around your home.

One of the most common calls our electricians get this time of the year is in regards to certain outlets not working throughout the property. This might include bathroom outlets, garage outlets, and outdoor outlets. And those holiday lights might be to blame! What happens is that they trip the GFCI outlet or circuit breaker.

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