Why Smoke and CO Detectors Should Be Hardwired

August 3rd, 2020

wires-and-electrical-toolsEach and every year, thousands of people die or are injured by unintentional CO (carbon monoxide) exposure or house fires. It’s a harsh statistic, but one that amplifies the importance of having properly installed smoke and CO detectors in your home. In fact, it’s the law that homes have these two devices in them when you move in, and illegal to tamper with these devices in most jurisdictions too.

Of course, you probably have them both up in your home, and your batteries are likely fresh (are you changing them every 6 months?) But what if there was an extra precautionary step you could take?

Well, there is! You can have your CO and smoke detectors hardwired into your electrical system. Read on as we uncover not only the importance of these systems, but also why you should consider hardwiring yours.

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AC Installation: Is Bigger Better?

July 20th, 2020

technciian-talking-about-air-conditioner-with-homeownersSummer is progressing right along, and with it so are warmer temperatures. Is your air conditioner up to the task? If you’re considering a new system this time of the year, chances are it’s a decision you’re a bit rushed on. We urge you however, to not make this decision in haste. Choosing a new air conditioner too quickly could leave you with an ineffective and inefficient air conditioner.

For example, the first instinct of many homeowners is to buy the largest, most powerful AC system on the market, especially if they’ve spent previous summers with an AC that didn’t seem powerful enough. But the fact of the matter is, bigger is not always better. When it comes to your cooling system, size and power do matter, but perhaps not the way you thing. Read on as we explain!

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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Solar Attic Fan

July 6th, 2020

top-view-of-a-metal-fanWhen summer temperatures are at their peak, there is only so much you can do to keep your house as cool as possible. You can keep your air conditioner well-maintained, keep the blinds on south-facing windows closed during the day, make sure you’re well equipped with the right indoor air quality products, and invest in a solar attic fan!

Wait, what’s that? You haven’t heard of a solar attic fan?

Let us be the first to bring this efficient and helpful piece of equipment to your attention. Not sure how it helps? Well, consider this scenario—the sun has been beating down on your roof for hours, and no matter how low you turn the thermostat down, it doesn’t seem to help. Not only that, but since you have the thermostat set so low, the AC just continues to run, draining your energy and causing your bills to rise. Fortunately, investing in a solar attic fan can help!

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How to Use Your AC Efficiently and Prevent Repair Needs!

June 22nd, 2020

vent-low-on-wallIf you’ve lived in our area through even just one summer, then you know the heavy workout that your air conditioning system gets, particularly in the height of summer. Fortunately, AC systems today are extremely durable, and designed to handle the heat, when they are cared for as they should be.

When you don’t properly care for your cooling system, you’ll probably find yourself paying a lot more for cooling than you need to. You may also find yourself calling for repairs a lot more than you should have to. There’s good news here though! There are methods out there to not only boost efficiency and therefore lower your energy costs, but also prevent repairs. Read on!

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Is the Common HVAC Filter Enough for Air Purification?

June 8th, 2020

dirty-air-filter When you hear the term “air quality” do you think about the air outside or inside? Chances are, you don’t think too much about your indoor air quality because you assume that your HVAC system’s air filter takes care of it. But this isn’t true.

Rather, it is in place to protect the HVAC systems themselves from dust, dirt, and other debris infiltrating its internal components. While it certainly doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, it’s not enough to resolve any issues your home might have. For that, you’ll want to consider a whole-house air purification system.

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Is Your Home in Need of Electrical Rewiring?

May 25th, 2020

electrical-partsOf all the issues that can impact various areas of your home, electrical problems can be the most dangerous. A plumbing problem can inflict a lot of water damage, but an electrical problem can potentially cause house fires or electrocution. It’s essential that you have a professional electrician check the wiring in your home at least once every few years. Otherwise, you’re substantially increasing the likelihood that a problem will occur.

Even with routine maintenance appointments, there’s still a chance that an electrical problem can happen in your home. You should be familiar with some of the telltale signs of an electrical problem, so that you can contact an electrician as soon as possible. We’ve named some of these signs below.

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Power Surge Protection: Do You Know Your Risks?

May 11th, 2020

power-stripIf your home is anything like the average American home, you have a lot more electrical equipment and appliances in it than ever before. You probably have multiple devices connected to your power supply and electrical grid at any given time, right? That’s great, but it’s important to know the best way to protect your appliances and power charging stations.

Power surges, also known as voltage surges or voltage spikes, can do irreversible damage to electrical components, causing you to replace them much sooner than you would have had to otherwise. Think you can avoid this because you have power strips located at all your outlets? These do offer a layer of protection, but they’re not the end-all solution—more on that below. The good news is, there is more you could do to protect your home’s electrical system and the appliances connected to it.

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Don’t Let This One Thing Ruin Your HVAC Efficiency

April 27th, 2020

closeup-of-dust-on-air-filterWhat is this one thing, you ask? A dirty air filter!

Are you surprised by our answer? If you’re like most homeowners, you might think the only reason you should care about your HVAC system’s air filter is due to the allergens and particles in your air. But you’re only partially correct.

It’s often assumed that a dirty air filter is a problem because it keeps the air dirty, and this is why HVAC technicians tell you to change yours every 1-3 months. If you aren’t suffering from allergies, you may think your air filter is doing just fine.

But here’s the thing—helping your indoor air quality is only a very small fraction of what this air filter does. The true purpose of your standard air filter is to protect the interior components of your HVAC system. Read on to learn more about this, and to discover just how a dirty air filter can impact your HVAC efficiency and quality of life.

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What You May Not Know about Outlet Installations: AFCI vs. GFCI

April 13th, 2020

new-gfci-outlet-imposed-on-white-backgroundYour household’s electrical grid is easily one of the most important components in the living space. Each of your appliances requires this system to work—even gas-powered heaters use an electric starter. If your electrical system is malfunctioning, you can experience all kinds of problems.

Safety is a concern, too, when your electrical system is malfunctioning. Electrical problems of any type can pose a serious threat to your living space, and to your family. Electrocution is a real threat, which brings us to our topic for this post—making sure you have the right outlets in place to protect your appliances, electrical equipment, and your home’s occupants.

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It’s That Time of Year: Schedule Your AC Tune-Up!

March 30th, 2020

analog-wall-clock-on-white-backgroundIf that heatwave last week was any indication, springtime is here to remind us that soon enough, we will need our air conditioners on a daily basis. Is your cooling system ready for a full season of work though?

One of the most important things you can do to ensure this is to schedule an AC tune-up, otherwise known as air conditioning maintenance. Delaying or skipping this service altogether will make it much more likely that you’ll be facing problems by the end of summer, or even before then. Read on as we uncover the biggest benefits of regular AC tune-ups.

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