How to Tell When You Need Air Conditioning Repairs

May 10th, 2021

two-techs-working-on-ac-unitAs much as we’re sure you’d like it to, your air conditioner simply won’t last forever.

Think of it this way—a car with over 150,000 miles on it simply can’t drive like a brand new one—that’s just how stuff works! However, with routine air conditioning maintenance and by staying on top of your AC repair needs, you can keep your air conditioner operating well for at least 10-15 years. This sure beats being disappointed by subpar AC service, right?

Cooling system problems that go unaddressed can unfortunately build up and cause significant damage. A small refrigerant leak, for example, can eventually lead to your compressor working “too hard” to do its job, and failing as a result. And we hate to break this to you, but a failed compressor usually means a failed air conditioner altogether.

But how do you know when your air conditioner needs help?

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How You Can Boost AC Efficiency This Summer

April 26th, 2021

two-techs-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitIn just a couple of short months, summer will officially be upon us. When summer does arrive, homeowners have to be ready. This means ensuring that your air conditioner is in great shape and ready to handle whatever Mother Nature brings its way.

The best way to ensure your air conditioner is ready for summer is with maintenance. During professional maintenance, our technicians comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust components of the system that need it. We will also alert you to any repair needs we find so you can get those on your schedule right away and don’t have to wait for a breakdown to occur. Maintenance helps your air conditioner perform as effectively as it’s meant to, and as efficiently as possible, too.

With or without maintenance though, there are a number of things you can do to boost and maintain AC efficiency, such as:

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The Power of Whole-House Air Purification

April 12th, 2021

father-and-son-laying-on-couchWe have a number of customers ask us if whole-house air purification is worth it. Our short answer is, “yes!” But of course, we will elaborate below.

Over the past year, many homeowners have struggled a bit with deciding the best ways to stay healthy inside their own homes. Indoor air quality has been a bit of a “buzzword” so to speak. But indoor air quality is actually really important. And your indoor air quality can be worse than the quality of the air outside if you don’t have the right IAQ solutions in place.

While no indoor air quality product can guarantee that things like virus transmission will never happen, but using the right product or service can definitely reduce the risks involved with poor indoor air quality. Read on as we uncover the power of whole-house air purification.

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Tankless Water Heater Maintenance: Is It Necessary?

March 29th, 2021

technician-hands-working-on-tankless-water-heaterWhen customers ask if we recommend maintenance for tankless water heaters, our answer is “yes.” Allow us to elaborate…

Tankless systems are clearly smaller than their tank water heater counterparts. They have fewer moving parts, and as a result, might seem like they need less care. While they may not need maintenance as often as a tank system, they still need this routine service. Here’s why:

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Why You Should Be Prepared for Power Surges, No Matter the Weather

March 15th, 2021

hand-plugging-in-cord-with-sparkHomes today have more technology in them than ever before. And most of this technology relies on that homes’ electrical system. Think about it—you probably have multiple devices connected to your household’s power supply at any given time, right? With many power charging stations handling your portable systems and many high efficiency appliances throughout the living space.

Here’s the thing—a voltage spike from any of those appliances or pieces of electrical equipment can cause irreparable damage to complex electrical equipment. You might think you’re fully protected because you have power strips everywhere. But this actually isn’t enough. We’ll expand on this below—read on!

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Heed These End-of-Season Heating Repair Needs

March 1st, 2021

technician-working-on-heating-systemWinter may seem like it’s lasting exceptionally longer than usual, but soon enough temperatures will warm and we’ll be ready to turn to our air conditioners for reliable service.

In the meantime, you’re still getting quite a bit of use out of your heater. Do you know if it will last until you don’t need it anymore for the season? The best way to ensure its efficient and effective operation is through heating maintenance. If you didn’t schedule this last fall, now is the time! Unless your heater is broken down beyond repair, it’s never too late to get this service done.

But even with maintenance, it’s possible that you could have heater repair needs. How can you tell? By watching for the following signs of disrepair.

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The Benefits of Choosing the Right Outdoor Lighting

February 15th, 2021

outdoor-string-lightsWhile wintertime is still here for a bit, soon enough spring and summer will be here. If you’ve been considering upgrading your outdoor lighting or your backyard setup, now is the time to start thinking about what you want!

With the help of our professionals, you can create the ideal outdoor space for recreation, safety, security, and more. Read on as we dive into how to choose your outdoor lighting and what the benefits of the perfect outdoor lighting setup are. Then, call us when you’re ready for professional outdoor lighting installation!

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What Are My Water Heater Options?

February 1st, 2021

technicians-hands-repairing-tankless-water-heaterIf there is any appliance in the average American home that could be considered the “unsung hero” of the household, it’s the water heater. Think about it—you use yours every day, but do you really think about it much? You likely don’t, until something goes wrong. And when something does go wrong, you probably rush to find a solution, even if it’s not the best solution.

Oftentimes, water heater problems can be remedied with professional repair, but if your water heater is nearing a couple decades old, it may be time to replace. When that time comes, you have options! You don’t have to stick with the same size storage tank, nor do you have to stick with a storage tank type water heater at all. More and more homeowners are going tankless these days.

Is it really the superior choice, though? Well, it depends. Read on as we uncover the pros and cons of each type of water heater.

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Is Your Furnace on the Struggle Bus?

January 18th, 2021

furnace-jetsHave you heard that phrase before—struggle bus? It’s a pop culture term describing when a sentient being is… well… struggling to complete a task or responsibility.

If you feel like your furnace is on the struggle bus lately, then you certainly have a problem on your hands! We always hope that your furnace is behaving itself, but if you’re reading this blog post, we going to guess it’s not right now. Keep reading as we go through a grading scale you can use to judge how your furnace is performing, and what can be done.

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Why You Need to be Concerned with This One Furnace Component

January 4th, 2021

furnace-jetsThis blog post also could have accurately been titled, “How to Ensure Your Gas Furnace Operates Safely.” That said, we aren’t insinuating that gas powered furnaces are inherently dangerous. We’re not out to incite panic among homeowners. However, not taking care of your gas powered furnace could potentially make it dangerous.

What we mean by this, is that you have to have it professionally maintained each year. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively clean, adjust, and inspect each and every component within your system to ensure that nothing is out of place or showing signs of wear. One component in particular is especially important here—the heat exchanger.

Damaged heat exchangers aren’t common, and they are most likely to occur in aging furnaces—furnaces that are 15 years old or older. This doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t have this problem with a new furnace, but it is something to keep in mind. If your gas furnace is more than a decade old, it’s time to explore its potential risks—and a cracked heat exchanger could be one of these risks.

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