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Is Outdoor Lighting a Good Home Investment?


Have you been spending more time in your home’s outdoor spaces? You’re not the only one. A recent poll shows that a whopping 63% of Americans say they’ve been spending more time in their yards since the pandemic. More and more homeowners have come to recognize the value of getting out–even if that just means getting out to your own backyard. 

Having great outdoor lighting is an ideal way to extend the amount of time you can spend dining outside, barbecuing, sitting around a fire pit, and enjoying your property. That’s why there’s never been a better time to invest in outdoor lighting in your Nashville, TN home. Let’s look at all the ways professional outdoor lighting installations are a great investment.

Return on Investment

Could you install some solar-powered fixtures or exterior lighting that you find at the big box store? Sure, that’s an inexpensive way to try and upgrade your outdoor space. But the keyword here is “inexpensive.” There’s just something about professional lighting for yards, patios, pools, and landscaping that looks like a quality job. You know it when you see it.

But in fact, well-designed landscape lighting doesn’t have to be expensive. Still, many homeowners want to know what the return on their investment will be. In terms of home value, there really aren’t any investments you can make that will return 100% of the cost of the improvement. 

With lighting, you have to think about how much it’ll maximize your enjoyment of your property while increasing your home’s safety and thus its value. Let’s explain. 

Lighting for Security

Security lights serve a very important purpose: they keep your home safer by keeping it well-lit and a less likely target for theft. Some studies have shown that investing in outdoor security lighting can decrease crime by as much as 38%! 

Strategically placed outdoor security lighting can deter potential criminals and make them move on to a not-so-well-lit home. Depending on your concerns, we can recommend different kinds of outdoor security lighting such as all-night lighting, motion-activated lighting, and hi/low combination lighting. 

If you have security cameras around your home, it’s essential that the areas where your cameras are directed are well-lit, but not so bright that the lighting will interfere with the security camera footage should you happen to need it. 

Lighting for Safety

Lighting that can increase your safety while walking on your property can also add an extra dimension of aesthetics. Lighting along a driveway, pathway, or walkway is visually appealing and is also a great safety feature. You may know your property like the back of your hand, but that doesn’t mean a visitor or delivery driver knows the lay of the land. 

Having quality lighting is essential for safety in other key places such as a porch, entryway, and above a garage. No matter how you wish to increase your enjoyment of your outdoor spaces, count on our team for professional outdoor lighting installations that won’t break the bank. 

Covenant Heating and Cooling is your trusted resource for outdoor lighting installations in Nashville, TN. We are “Dedicated to the Promise of Serving You!” Contact us today.

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