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Is There Mold in Your Ducts?


Air ducts, connecting your AC and furnace to the vents throughout your home, are out of sight and often out of mind. There they sit, behind your walls or in your attic or crawl space, forgotten. How long have they been in place? And, since you can’t see inside them, what could have gotten in there? Unfortunately, there could be an unpleasant answer.

Dark and out-of-the-way places are inviting to small things like bugs and mice. Snakes have even been known to slither into them during the winter to keep warm! You might be able to hear pests as they move, but one thing you definitely won’t hear is mold. How can you tell if mold is growing in your ducts? Is it a serious problem if it’s there? And how can you eliminate it? We’ve got answers for you.

Signs of Mold in Your Air Ducts

If you see or hear any indication of moisture in your ducts, or if your home is humid and moist, you’re at high risk for mold and should take steps to check for it and to reduce your moisture and humidity issue. If you can see mold anywhere in your home, it could be in your ducts, too. And if you can see it near or around vents, you’ve almost certainly got mold inside them.

If you can’t see any mold, it can make itself known in other ways, too. The distinctive musty odor, like closed-up spaces and damp basements, is a clear sign that mold is growing somewhere in your home. Respiratory symptoms such as allergic reactions or worsening problems with existing conditions like asthma are another strong indicator that mold could be at play.

Risks Posed by Mold in Ducts

Clearly, mold can pose health risks. Some folks are at higher risk because of respiratory conditions. Some folks are specifically allergic to mold. And some molds produce such powerful toxins that they can cause serious symptoms in people with no allergies or underlying conditions! But there are other concerns as well.

When mold spreads, it can cause stains and damage that are very hard to eradicate. The moisture that provides a good environment for mold can also cause major damage to the underlying structures in your home. Mold can even cause repair needs or inefficiency issues with your heater or air conditioner as well! 

How to Eliminate Mold from Ducts

Don’t try to perform DIY duct mold remediation. It’s far too easy to cause damage, and if your ducts end up with holes or tears, your precious heated and cooled air will escape through them. This leads to sharp increases in utility bills and added pressure on your heating and AC systems. What you need is professional air duct cleaning in Brentwood, TN

When you get your ducts cleaned by a qualified technician, they have extensive training on how to perform this process thoroughly and completely for the best result possible. They also have the tools to do the job without causing any damage to your ductwork. They can even make recommendations about how to ensure that the problem won’t keep happening, so you can breathe fresher air for a long time to come. 

Covenant Heating and Cooling is your trusted resource for reliable duct services in Nashville, TN. We are “Dedicated to the Promise of Serving You!” Contact us today.

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