Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘HVAC’ Category

The Many Services HVAC Contractors Provide

Monday, January 13th, 2025

Perhaps you have only ever reached out to an HVAC contractor when you’ve had a furnace breakdown during the depths of winter. You might not even know all of the other things you could be accessing! HVAC contractors offer many services. With some planning, you could prevent HVAC breakdowns, and have many systems in your home work better for you and more efficiently. Here’s how.

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Tips for Switching from Heating to Cooling

Monday, May 6th, 2024

It’s that time of year: you don’t need your heat anymore, and you’ll be needing your AC very soon. Don’t get too busy enjoying the gorgeous Tennessee springtime. There are things you should be doing! Here’s our checklist of tips on how to make a smooth transition from heating season to cooling season with your HVAC system.

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Why Are NATE and EPA Certified Technicians Important?

Monday, March 27th, 2023

When your home needs AC replacement or heating replacement, how do you know what to look for in an HVAC contractor? Many homeowners know that they should choose a company whose technicians are licensed and insured. But what other qualifications should you look for in your search for an HVAC replacement?

You may have heard of the terms “NATE certified” and “EPA certified” or come across them in your search. When we say we strongly encourage you to hire a company with these designations, we’re not just doing so because our technicians are NATE- and EPA-certified. These designations really are surefire signs that you’ve found a reputable, knowledgeable HVAC contractor and here’s why.

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3 Steps to Shutting Down an AC for the Fall

Monday, September 28th, 2020

2-outdoor-ac-unitsFall can be a bit deceiving around here. Sure, temperatures are cooling down, but we all know that a heatwave can hit at pretty much any time. Still though, once we get a few weeks further into the season, it’ll be just about time to turn our attention to our heaters.

And it is important to care for your heater. In fact, now is the perfect time to schedule maintenance for this system. Maintenance will ensure that it is able to perform efficiently and as effectively as possible this fall and winter.

But there is something else you need to think about during this seasonal transition in regards to your air conditioner. You can’t just turn off your air conditioner and leave it–you risk it suffering damage over the winter that can jeopardize its functionality when you need it again next spring. Read on as we uncover 3 tips on how to “winterize” your air conditioner once temperatures drop enough.

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It’s That Time of Year: Schedule Your AC Tune-Up!

Monday, March 30th, 2020

analog-wall-clock-on-white-backgroundIf that heatwave last week was any indication, springtime is here to remind us that soon enough, we will need our air conditioners on a daily basis. Is your cooling system ready for a full season of work though?

One of the most important things you can do to ensure this is to schedule an AC tune-up, otherwise known as air conditioning maintenance. Delaying or skipping this service altogether will make it much more likely that you’ll be facing problems by the end of summer, or even before then. Read on as we uncover the biggest benefits of regular AC tune-ups.

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Choosing the Right Contractor for HVAC Repairs

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

two-technicians-working-on-hvac-systemIt’s the time of year where older heating systems start to struggle—after all they’ve been working hard all season. If yours wasn’t properly maintained, or even simply if it’s aged to the point that it’s having trouble keeping up with demand, it might be time for you to call for repairs.

But who should you call? Perhaps that handyman who lives down the street? Or maybe you can watch an online video and conduct HVAC repairs on your own!

We really don’t recommend either of these options. Not only could you wind up doing more harm than good to the system itself, but you could injure yourself or put your household in danger. We understand the urgency that comes with needing heating repairs in the middle of winter, but you’d do well to do your research and choose the right contractor for your HVAC repairs. What should you look for? Read on!

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How Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Your HVAC System?

Monday, October 14th, 2019

changing-air-filterOftentimes, homeowners think that the only reason they should worry about their HVAC system’s air filter is due to the indoor air quality threats present in their home. This is partially correct, but not totally.

Even if you aren’t suffering from allergies at the moment and don’t notice any obvious air quality problems, you should still be changing this air filter every 1-3 months. The reason isn’t so much for your air quality, but rather to protect the HVAC system itself.

The purpose of this air filter is to protect the inside components of your air conditioner or heater. Read on to learn more, and to discover just how a dirty air filter impacts your HVAC system.

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Have You Considered a Heat Pump Installation?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

white question mark on blue backgroundSpring is almost here! That means it’s almost time to turn on your air conditioner and you don’t have to worry about a failing furnace, right?

Wait, hang on.

If your aging furnace is showing signs that it may fail soon, the last thing you want to do is wait on replacing it. After all, do you really want to get to next fall without investing in a new system only to find out on the first day you need it, it’s not working at all? Aside from the inconvenience of not having a functioning heater on the first day you need it, it will also be a mad scramble to try to get a technician who’s not busy to come in and repair or replace the system.

And what if you also have a struggling air conditioner? Are you really willing to let both your HVAC systems suffer for another year?

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When It’s Time to Replace Your Ducts

Monday, February 19th, 2018

Adequate ductwork is essential to optimal Nashville, TN HVAC efficiency. So, what kind of shape is yours in? Of course, it’s not easy for you to check this, as ductwork isn’t typically accessible—installed in places like your attic or crawlspace. Fortunately, that’s what we’re here for. If your air ducts need to be inspected, repaired, or even replaced, our highly trained and experienced technicians are here for the job.

After all, breached and leaky ductwork is a hidden problem behind many HVAC and indoor air quality issues. Therefore, it’s a good idea to be well informed of the symptoms that suggest you have damaged ductwork. So without further ado, we’ve shared some tips below on what sort of indicators you can watch out for that suggest it’s time to replace, or at least repair, your ductwork.

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