Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is Your Furnace on the Struggle Bus?

Monday, January 18th, 2021

furnace-jetsHave you heard that phrase before—struggle bus? It’s a pop culture term describing when a sentient being is… well… struggling to complete a task or responsibility.

If you feel like your furnace is on the struggle bus lately, then you certainly have a problem on your hands! We always hope that your furnace is behaving itself, but if you’re reading this blog post, we going to guess it’s not right now. Keep reading as we go through a grading scale you can use to judge how your furnace is performing, and what can be done.

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Why You Need to be Concerned with This One Furnace Component

Monday, January 4th, 2021

furnace-jetsThis blog post also could have accurately been titled, “How to Ensure Your Gas Furnace Operates Safely.” That said, we aren’t insinuating that gas powered furnaces are inherently dangerous. We’re not out to incite panic among homeowners. However, not taking care of your gas powered furnace could potentially make it dangerous.

What we mean by this, is that you have to have it professionally maintained each year. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively clean, adjust, and inspect each and every component within your system to ensure that nothing is out of place or showing signs of wear. One component in particular is especially important here—the heat exchanger.

Damaged heat exchangers aren’t common, and they are most likely to occur in aging furnaces—furnaces that are 15 years old or older. This doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t have this problem with a new furnace, but it is something to keep in mind. If your gas furnace is more than a decade old, it’s time to explore its potential risks—and a cracked heat exchanger could be one of these risks.

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Give Yourself the Gift of Heater Repairs This Holiday Season!

Monday, December 21st, 2020

heater-jetsWhen you compare our climate to that of other parts of the country, you can’t really call our winters “harsh.” But just because we don’t have bone-chillingly cold winters—and even that is debatable, depending on who you ask—doesn’t mean our winters aren’t cold enough to need a fully functional and efficiently operating heater on our side. Could you imagine on the coldest evening, going to turn on your heater to discover it doesn’t work?

We would like to help you avoid that altogether! Of course, the best way to avoid it is with routine maintenance. Maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust your heater’s components while also alerting you to repair needs. Even with maintenance though, it’s important to note that at some point you will need repairs. Taking care of them as soon as possible is the best gift you can give yourself over the holiday season. But how do you know if you need them? Read on for some tell-tale signs.

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It’s That Time of Year! Did you Schedule Heating Maintenance Yet?

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

analog-wall-clock-on-white-background“Do I really need heating maintenance?”

This is a question we get a lot around this time of year. We understand your hesitation! Why pay for a service that doesn’t seem immediately necessary, right? Well, because even though it’s not a service call for an immediate repair, maintenance helps prevent heating repairs—up to 85% of them throughout the lifespan of your heater.

Between preventing repair needs and keeping your heater running efficiently, maintenance will help you save hundreds of dollars over the lifespan of your heater. Read on to learn more about the benefits of heating maintenance!

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Best Ways to Boost Heating Efficiency

Monday, February 17th, 2020

technician-working-on-maintaining-furnaceWith how much we use our heating systems during the winter, it’s no secret that homeowners would like to do everything they can to avoid costly utility bills. Sure, your energy bills are going to raise in the wintertime (as well as the summer time) as your HVAC systems take up about half of all your energy use. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to increase their efficiency and thereby lower the costs a bit.

There are actually a number of things you can do, some of which won’t cost you a dime. Maintaining heating efficiency is also a great way to keep repair needs at bay. Keep reading as we uncover some of the best tips and tricks to boost efficiency and save money!

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The Problem with a Cracked Heat Exchanger

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

natural-gas-jets-of-furnaceWintertime is the time of year when our heating systems are truly put to the test. Because of the strain they go through this time of year versus in milder weather, it tends to be when problems arise. Since you need your system to function at its best this time of year, this is obviously not ideal. It pays to ensure you schedule routine maintenance each year, and to keep a watch for signs of trouble with your heater.

There are few furnace problems more insidious than that of a cracked heat exchanger. If your furnace shows signs of this problem, it’s likely that it needs to be replaced altogether, as this tends to only happen in older furnaces. Repairs are often not worth the cost even if they’re possible. So, what is a heat exchanger and why is it such a problem if it cracks? Read on to find out!

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Can a Dirty Air Filter Hurt Your Heater?

Monday, December 9th, 2019

man-holding-air-filterIf you’ve followed our blog from the beginning, you’ve likely seen it in writing many times that we recommend you change your HVAC air filter every 1-3 months. We aren’t just throwing this out as a suggestion—we are offering this advice as a way for you to get the most effective and efficient use from your heater (and air conditioner) as possible.

Considering how much we’ll be using our heaters this winter, don’t you want to do everything you can to prevent emergency repair needs?

There is one way to do so—by performing one small maintenance task on your own—changing out your air filter. You might be surprised by just how important this small HVAC component is. IT’s about more than protecting your indoor air quality. In fact, that’s not even the purpose of this air filter—your furnace’s air filter is in place to protect the actual furnace itself. More on that below!

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Signs You’re in Need of Heating Repairs

Monday, November 25th, 2019

furnace-jetsFall is trekking right along and the official start of winter is less than a month away. Chances are, you’ve begun running your heater on a daily basis already… and more cold weather is on its way. This means if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to check your heating system for any signs of trouble. Problems from last year won’t have gone away this year without professional care—and this can be compounded by lack of use over the months. Running your system on a regular basis when it’s not performing at its best will only end in frustration—and probably a broken down heater.

There’s good news, though! There are some common signs you can watch out for that indicate your heater is running into issues, and if you know what to look for, you can usually spot these issues fairly easily. Remember though, you shouldn’t attempt a formal diagnosis or any type of repair on your own. Heating systems involve a number of components that could become dangerous in the wrong hands—like natural gas. If you notice your heating system isn’t performing the way it should, the best thing you can do is call a pro. In the meantime, watch and listen for the following signs that indicate a heating system problem.

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Noises You Should Never Hear Your Furnace Making

Monday, October 28th, 2019

woman-covering-her-earsWhen it comes to your comfort, it’s hard to ignore some signs that your HVAC system is struggling. For instance, if it’s in the middle of winter and your vents are blowing out cool or lukewarm air, you’ll likely give our pros a call right away for repairs. For other problems though, such as funny noises, you may be tempted to wait on calling in a pro, or you may decide to ignore the sounds altogether, shrugging it off as a normal part of furnace operation.

Please don’t do this. We want you to protect yourself and your family, and one way to do so is to alert a trained HVAC pro when your furnace system is making unusual noises—noises that may indicate a hazard. Keep reading to learn some of the noises you should never hear from your furnace—and give us a call if you do!

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Is It Too Early to Schedule Heating Maintenance?

Monday, September 30th, 2019

technician-working-on-heating-systemWith temps still in the 90’s, it may seem pretty odd to even be talking about our heating systems. But, there’s actually no better time to start thinking about scheduling heating maintenance! In fact, fall is the best time since weather is usually milder and you don’t have to worry about being without your HVAC system while your tune-up is performed.

Professional maintenance allows our technicians to do a thorough inspection of your heater. This is important for a number of reasons—we’re able to check for safety issues as well as anything that could be causing performance and efficiency problems. We also clean the system inside and out, and check for any signs of small repair needs before they grow into bigger, more costly emergencies.

If that’s not enough to convince you, keep reading to learn the many benefits of having professional heating maintenance done.

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