Covenant Heating and Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Geothermal’ Category

What Is Geothermal Heating & Cooling?

Monday, January 27th, 2025

In ancient times, people kept warm with fires and stayed cool by avoiding the sun in deep places like caves or by catching a breeze near the water. More recently, we’ve used furnaces and air conditioners, because staying at a safe and comfortable temperature is still critical to human wellbeing. But now there are all kinds of options! Heat pumps? Ductless mini splits? What’s going on?

Geothermal heating and cooling systems might seem like science fiction. How do geothermal heating and cooling systems work, and could they be the right choice for you? What are the benefits and drawbacks? Let’s take a closer look.

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Geothermal Heating and Cooling: What You Should Know

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

animated diagram of geothermal systemOne of the numerous Nashville, TN HVAC services we provide is the installation of geothermal heating and cooling systems. These systems operate on heat pump technology, but rather than transferring heat from the air either inside your home or from outside, geothermal heat pumps use the energy of the earth, which remains at a relatively stable temperature.

Understanding how a geothermal system works is just the beginning. We’d like to share the benefits of such a system with you, to help you determine whether or not a geothermal installation is right for you. These types of installs are typically done with new construction projects, as they do run underground. But for many homes, these systems can be retrofitted. This will affect the cost of the installation, however, what you save with a geothermal system can well than make up for this.

Now, onto how a geothermal system will benefit you!

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